
DAN GUILL is appointed in two companies. One of these companies is active and one is inactive.

DAN GUILL is Chief Oper in two companies. These companies are: Alc Operating, Llc , Texas Alc Ii, Inc. .


330 N. WABASH, SUITE 3700
CHICAGO, IL 60611 United States

Address on Map

GPS Data: 41° 53' 18.4" N 87° 37' 39.2" W

DAN GUILL Statistics

Chief Oper 2
Agent appointments 0
Other appoimtments 2


Company Name Title Company Address Company Status Role
Alc Operating, Llc Chief Oper 330 N Wabash Ave Ste 3700
Chicago, Il 60611-7605
Active Officer
Texas Alc Ii, Inc. Chief Oper 330 N Wabash Ave Ste 3700
Chicago, Il 60611-7605
Franchise Tax Ended Officer

People Connected With DAN GUILL

Name Title
Akhil Sharma Chief Fina
Dan Guill Chief Oper
Jack Callison Director
Jack Callison Chief Exec
Jim Kleifges Cao
Peter Smith Chro