
DAVID V ALLEN is appointed in four companies. Three of these companies are active and one is inactive.

DAVID V ALLEN is Director in two companies. These companies are: Dallen Ventures America, Inc. , Gracie Mae Foundation, Inc. .

Secretary in one company. This company is Dallen Ventures America, Inc..

President in one company. This company is Dallen Ventures America, Inc..


OIL CITY, PA 16301 United States

Address on Map

GPS Data: 41° 26' 31" N 79° 40' 42" W

DAVID V ALLEN Statistics

Director 2
Secretary 1
President 1
Agent appointments 0
Other appoimtments 4


Company Name Title Company Address Company Status Role
Dallen Ventures America, Inc. Director Po Box 511
Oil City, Pa 16301-6511
Active Officer
Dallen Ventures America, Inc. Secretary Po Box 511
Oil City, Pa 16301-6511
Active Officer
Dallen Ventures America, Inc. President Po Box 511
Oil City, Pa 16301-6511
Active Officer
Gracie Mae Foundation, Inc. Director Po Box 511
Oil City, Pa 16301-6511
Forfeited Officer

People Connected With DAVID V ALLEN

Name Title
David V Allen Director
James J Mcfall Director
Lisa M Mcfall Director