
DONALD KEEL is appointed in two companies. None of these companies are active.

DONALD KEEL is President in one company. This company is Apple Trucking, Inc..

Director in one company. This company is Apple Trucking, Inc..


PO BOX 583
WACO, TX 76703 United States

Address on Map

GPS Data: 31° 33' 12.9" N 97° 8' 0.5" W

DONALD KEEL Statistics

President 1
Director 1
Agent appointments 0
Other appoimtments 2


Company Name Title Company Address Company Status Role
Apple Trucking, Inc. President 1562 E Tinsley Rd
Waco, Tx 76706-7223
Franchise Tax Involuntarily Ended Officer
Apple Trucking, Inc. Director 1562 E Tinsley Rd
Waco, Tx 76706-7223
Franchise Tax Involuntarily Ended Officer

People Connected With DONALD KEEL

Name Title
Alvin Neckar Director
Alvin Neckar Treasurer
Alvin Neckar Secretary
Alvin Neckar Vice Presi
Donald Keel President
Donald Keel Director