
HEUNG GON KIM is appointed in two companies. All of these companies are active.

HEUNG GON KIM is Director in one company. This company is Samsung Opto-Electronics America, Inc..

Treasurer in one company. This company is Samsung Opto-Electronics America, Inc..


, United States

Address on Map

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HEUNG GON KIM Statistics

Director 1
Treasurer 1
Agent appointments 0
Other appoimtments 2


Company Name Title Company Address Company Status Role
Samsung Opto-Electronics America, Inc. Director 100 Challenger Rd Ste 700
Ridgefield Pk, Nj 07660-2119
Active Officer
Samsung Opto-Electronics America, Inc. Treasurer 100 Challenger Rd Ste 700
Ridgefield Pk, Nj 07660-2119
Active Officer

People Connected With HEUNG GON KIM

Name Title
Heung Gon Kim Director
Heung Gon Kim Treasurer
Soon Hong Ahn Director
Soon Hong Ahn President