
JAY NAGEL is appointed in two companies. None of these companies are active.

JAY NAGEL is Director in one company. This company is A To Z Residential Construction Inc..

Governing in one company. This company is A To Z Residential Construction Inc..


9500 FM 2502
BRENHAM, TX 77833 United States

Address on Map

GPS Data: 30° 5' 16.4" N 96° 31' 5.9" W

JAY NAGEL Statistics

Director 1
Governing 1
Agent appointments 0
Other appoimtments 2


Company Name Title Company Address Company Status Role
A To Z Residential Construction Inc. Director 9500 Fm 2502
Brenham, Tx 77833-7860
Franchise Tax Ended Officer
A To Z Residential Construction Inc. Governing 9500 Fm 2502
Brenham, Tx 77833-7860
Franchise Tax Ended Officer

People Connected With JAY NAGEL

Name Title
Jay Nagel Director
Jay Nagel Governing
Theron D Taylor Director
Theron D Taylor Secretary