
JOHN GREER is appointed in five companies. None of these companies are active.

JOHN GREER is President in three companies. These companies are: Owr Fort Bend, Inc. , Owr Galleria, Inc. , Owc Hill Country, Inc. .

Director in one company. This company is Owr Galleria, Inc..

Vice-Presi in one company. This company is Owc Hill Country, Inc..


PHOENIX, AZ 85016 United States

Address on Map

GPS Data: 33° 30' 32.4" N 112° 1' 33.9" W

JOHN GREER Statistics

President 3
Director 1
Vice-Presi 1
Agent appointments 0
Other appoimtments 5


Company Name Title Company Address Company Status Role
Owr Fort Bend, Inc. President 10350 Bren Rd W
Minnetonka, Mn 55343-9014
Franchise Tax Ended Officer
Owr Galleria, Inc. Director 10350 Bren Rd W
Minnetonka, Mn 55343-9014
Franchise Tax Ended Officer
Owr Galleria, Inc. President 10350 Bren Rd W
Minnetonka, Mn 55343-9014
Franchise Tax Ended Officer
Owc Hill Country, Inc. President 10350 Bren Rd W
Minnetonka, Mn 55343-9014
Franchise Tax Ended Officer
Owc Hill Country, Inc. Vice-Presi 10350 Bren Rd W
Minnetonka, Mn 55343-9014
Franchise Tax Ended Officer

People Connected With JOHN GREER

Name Title
Charles Vogel Vice Presi
John Greer President
Thomas W Roberts Director
Thomas W Roberts President
Timothy J Smith Tax Office
Vickie M Sixta Secretary
Vickie M Sixta Treasurer