
KIM THERIOT is appointed in two companies. None of these companies are active.

KIM THERIOT is Director in one company. This company is Four T Construction, Inc..

Vice Presi in one company. This company is Four T Construction, Inc..


PO BOX 306
CHRISTOVAL, TX 76935 United States

Address on Map

GPS Data: 31° 11' 36.6" N 100° 29' 55.3" W

KIM THERIOT Statistics

Director 1
Vice Presi 1
Agent appointments 0
Other appoimtments 2


Company Name Title Company Address Company Status Role
Four T Construction, Inc. Director 850 Paint Rock Rd Apt 504
San Angelo, Tx 76905-8065
Franchise Tax Ended Officer
Four T Construction, Inc. Vice Presi 850 Paint Rock Rd Apt 504
San Angelo, Tx 76905-8065
Franchise Tax Ended Officer

People Connected With KIM THERIOT

Name Title
Judy C Theriot Asst
Judy C Theriot Director
Judy C Theriot Vice Presi
Kim Theriot Director
Kim Theriot Vice Presi
Verle A Theriot Treasurer
Verle A Theriot President
Verle A Theriot Secretary
Verle A Theriot Director