
LARRY G LEE is appointed in eleven companies. Seven of these companies are active and four are inactive.

LARRY G LEE is Director in two companies. These companies are: Sw Wing Group, Inc. , Leeco Industrial Rail Spur Owners' Association, In .

President in one company. This company is Sw Wing Group, Inc..

LARRY G LEE is appointed as an agent in eight companies.


ODESSA, TX 79765 United States

Address on Map

GPS Data: 31° 53' 50.5" N 102° 18' 1.4" W

LARRY G LEE Statistics

Director 2
President 1
Agent appointments 8
Other appoimtments 3


Company Name Title Company Address Company Status Role
Sw Wing Group, Inc. Director 3501 Billy Hext Rd
Odessa, Tx 79765-8939
Active Officer
Sw Wing Group, Inc. President 3501 Billy Hext Rd
Odessa, Tx 79765-8939
Active Officer
Leeco Industrial Rail Spur Owners' Association, In Director Po Box 674428
Houston, Tx 77267-4428
Active Officer
Gi-Sjl Investment, Llc Larry G Lee 3501 Billy Hext Road
Odessa, Tx 79765
Active Agent
Sjl Aviation, Llc Larry G Lee 3501 Billy Hext Road
Odessa, Tx 79765
Active Agent
Lee Concho Valley Family Limited Partnership Larry G Lee 3501 Billy Hext Road
Odessa, Tx 79765
Active Agent
Leeco Homes, Inc. Larry G Lee 3501 Billy Hext Road
Odessa, Tx 79765
Franchise Tax Ended Agent
Booker/Bassett Partners, L.P. Larry G Lee 3501 Billy Hext Road
Odessa, Tx 79765
Franchise Tax Involuntarily Ended Agent
Midsouth Hospitality, Inc. Larry G Lee 3501 Billy Hext Road
Odessa, Tx 79765
Franchise Tax Involuntarily Ended Agent
Dezavala Development Partners, L.P. Larry G Lee 3501 Billy Hext Road
Odessa, Tx 79765
Active Agent
Scotsdale Development Partners, L.P. Larry G Lee 3501 Billy Hext Road
Odessa, Tx 79765
Franchise Tax Involuntarily Ended Agent

People Connected With LARRY G LEE

Name Title
Larry G Lee Director
Larry G Lee President