
PEARL GICKLHORN is appointed in five companies. None of these companies are active.

PEARL GICKLHORN is Manager in two companies. These companies are: Gicklhorn Enterprises Llc , Gicklhorn Equipment Llc .

PEARL GICKLHORN is appointed as an agent in three companies.


2011 FM 211
WILSON, TX 79381 United States

Address on Map

GPS Data: 33° 19' 25.2" N 101° 45' 21.5" W


Manager 2
Agent appointments 3
Other appoimtments 2


Company Name Title Company Address Company Status Role
Gicklhorn Enterprises Llc Manager 2011 Fm 211
Wilson, Tx 79381-2113
Franchise Tax Involuntarily Ended Officer
Gicklhorn Equipment Llc Manager 2011 Fm 211
Wilson, Tx 79381-2113
Franchise Tax Involuntarily Ended Officer
Gicklhorn Farms, Ltd. Pearl Gicklhorn 2011 Fm 211
Wilson, Tx 79381
Franchise Tax Involuntarily Ended Agent
Gicklhorn Enterprises Llc Pearl Gicklhorn 2011 Fm 211
Wilson, Tx 79381
Franchise Tax Involuntarily Ended Agent
Gicklhorn Equipment Llc Pearl Gicklhorn 2011 Fm 211
Wilson, Tx 79381
Franchise Tax Involuntarily Ended Agent

People Connected With PEARL GICKLHORN

Name Title
Pearl Gicklhorn Manager