
PETER EDENHOFFER is appointed in eight companies. All of these companies are active.

PETER EDENHOFFER is Director in three companies. These companies are: Fountain Regenerative Spa, Llc , Pegasus Blue Horizon Ventures, Llc , Pegasus A&M Leasing, Inc. .

President in three companies. These companies are: Fountain Regenerative Spa, Llc , Pegasus Blue Horizon Ventures, Llc , Pegasus A&M Leasing, Inc. .

PETER EDENHOFFER is appointed as an agent in two companies.


2655 NE LOOP 286
PARIS, TX 75460 United States

Address on Map

GPS Data: 33° 40' 34.8" N 95° 31' 37.1" W


Director 3
President 3
Agent appointments 2
Other appoimtments 6


Company Name Title Company Address Company Status Role
Fountain Regenerative Spa, Llc Director 2655 Ne Loop 286
Paris, Tx 75460-3444
Active Officer
Fountain Regenerative Spa, Llc President 2655 Ne Loop 286
Paris, Tx 75460-3444
Active Officer
Pegasus Blue Horizon Ventures, Llc President 2655 Ne Loop 286
Paris, Tx 75460-3444
Active Officer
Pegasus Blue Horizon Ventures, Llc Director 2655 Ne Loop 286
Paris, Tx 75460-3444
Active Officer
Pegasus A&M Leasing, Inc. Director 2655 Ne Loop 286
Paris, Tx 75460-3444
Active Officer
Pegasus A&M Leasing, Inc. President 2655 Ne Loop 286
Paris, Tx 75460-3444
Active Officer
Neurology Care Associates, Pa Peter Edenhoffer 2655 Ne Loop 286
Paris, Tx 75460
Active Agent
Pegasus A&M Leasing, Inc. Peter Edenhoffer 2655 Ne Loop 286
Paris, Tx 75460
Active Agent

People Connected With PETER EDENHOFFER

Name Title
Peter Edenhoffer President
Peter Edenhoffer Director