
RALPH G GORDY is appointed in five companies. All of these companies are active.

RALPH G GORDY is Vice Presi in one company. This company is Gordy Park Commercial Property Owners Association,.

Director in one company. This company is Gordy Park Commercial Property Owners Association,.

Manager in one company. This company is Privateer Development Company, Llc.

RALPH G GORDY is appointed as an agent in two companies.


KEMAH, TX 77565 United States

Address on Map

GPS Data: 29° 32' 40.9" N 95° 2' 22.6" W

RALPH G GORDY Statistics

Vice Presi 1
Director 1
Manager 1
Agent appointments 2
Other appoimtments 3


Company Name Title Company Address Company Status Role
Gordy Park Commercial Property Owners Association, Vice Presi 1500 Marina Bay Dr Ste 1410
Kemah, Tx 77565-2395
Active Officer
Gordy Park Commercial Property Owners Association, Director 1500 Marina Bay Dr Ste 1410
Kemah, Tx 77565-2395
Active Officer
Privateer Development Company, Llc Manager 1500 Marina Bay Dr Ste 1410
Kemah, Tx 77565-2395
Active Officer
Gordy Park Commercial Property Owners Association, Ralph G Gordy 1500 Marina Bay Dr Ste 1410
Kemah, Tx 77565
Active Agent
Privateer Development Company, Llc Ralph G Gordy 1500 Marina Bay Dr Ste 1410
Kemah, Tx 77565
Active Agent

People Connected With RALPH G GORDY

Name Title
Ann M Gordy Secretary
Ann M Gordy Director
Glem Gordy President
Glen Gordy Director
Ralph G Gordy Vice Presi
Ralph G Gordy Director