
RAYMOND MENDOZA is appointed in four companies. All of these companies are active.

RAYMOND MENDOZA is Manager in two companies. These companies are: Gpm Water Company, Llc , Rm Ultimate Construction, L.L.C. .

Owner in one company. This company is Rm Ultimate Construction, L.L.C..

RAYMOND MENDOZA is appointed as an agent in one company.


2655 FM 1099
CAMPBELLTON, TX 78008 United States

Address on Map

GPS Data: 28° 43' 56.2" N 98° 15' 18.6" W


Manager 2
Owner 1
Agent appointments 1
Other appoimtments 3


Company Name Title Company Address Company Status Role
Gpm Water Company, Llc Manager 2655 Fm 1099
Campbellton, Tx 78008-3502
Active Officer
Rm Ultimate Construction, L.L.C. Owner 1716 S San Marcos Ste 205
San Antonio, Tx 78207-7050
Active Officer
Rm Ultimate Construction, L.L.C. Manager 1716 S San Marcos Ste 205
San Antonio, Tx 78207-7050
Active Officer
Gpm Water Company, Llc Raymond Mendoza 2655 Fm 1099
Campbellton, Tx 78008
Active Agent

People Connected With RAYMOND MENDOZA

Name Title
Raymond Mendoza Owner
Raymond Mendoza Manager